Sunday, January 11, 2009

The house that Larry built...

This is the house that Larry and Karen built.

This is the driveway that often serves as a basketball court that sits next to the house that Larry and Karen built.

This is the tree that drapes over the driveway that often serves as a basketball court next to the house that Larry and Karen built.

This is the aftermath of a freakish Christmas windstorm that blew the tree that drapes over the driveway that often serves as a basketball court next to the house that Larry and Karen built.

This is the van that was injured in the freakish Christmas windstorm that blew the tree that drapes over the driveway that often serves as a basketball court next to the house that Larry and Karen built.

This is the furrowed brow of the owner of the injured van after the freakish Christmas windstorm that blew the tree that drapes over the driveway that often serves as a basketball court next to the house that Larry and Karen built.

This is the son of the furrowed brow owner of the injured van after the freakish Christmas windstorm that blew the tree that drapes over the driveway that often serves as the basketball court next to the house that Larry and Karen built.

This is funniest picture taken (just ask him) by the son of the furrowed brow owner of the injured van after the freakish Christmas windstorm that blew the tree that drapes over the driveway that often serves as a basketball court next to the house that Larry and Karen built.

This is what happens to trees that fall on innocent vans after hilarious pictures are taken by the son of the furrowed brow owner of the injured van after the freakish Christmas windstorm that blew the tree that drapes over the driveway that often serves as a basketball court next to the house that Larry and Karen built.

This is what the co-owner of the injured van does while the tree that falls on innocent objects is being dealt with after hilarious pictures are taken by the son of the furrowed brow owner of the injured van after the freakish Christmas windstorm that blew the tree that drapes over the driveway that often serves as a basketball court next to the house that Larry and Karen built.



  1. lol that is too funny, cute post. This weather we have been having is crazy, eh?

  2. Only you can come up with something so hilariously funny about a situation that ain't so. I am glad you can see the lighter side to frustrating situations. And an A+ Mom award to you for actually posting a photo that your child took of your butt! I never, EVER would be brave enough to do such a thing, even if it fit nicely into the poem sequence like yours did. Thanks for the post and I hope you weren't put out too much with your injured van.

  3. Ahh.
    You made me laugh.
    Out loud.
    For reals, yo.

  4. What is it with kids? My kids love to take pictures of my butt too!

    Glad no one was hurt!

  5. Man. That stinks about the wind storm and the van!

    I love the photo commentary, though! Very cute.

  6. I now admire Brian more than ever!

  7. My favorite part is the Corona box in front of the fire. I hope you didn't burn any beer.

    Hope the van's okay.

  8. Angie, your a hoot. I wish I could see the lighter side of life.. You inspire me in so many ways.. God Bless you.. Grandma Snicklefritz
