School is cancelled for Thursday. It is a snow day, but in reality, it is being cancelled due to COLD? What the..? With many other modern inventions came these things called HEAT and GLOVES and BOOTS and HATS. Heaven forbid the children wait 8 freaking minutes in a windchill approaching -30. Did I mention that we lived in Canada for 2 years? We saw people jogging when the temperature was -20 (without windchill). My kids played outdoor hockey when it was -10. Mothers would walk their babies when it was 0. School kids go outside and play for recess until the windchill reaches -5. We waited for the bus many a time with temperatures WITHOUT WINDCHILL at -40 (fun fact -40F=-40C) We CANCEL school here because of a windchill??? Our school district is a rather affluent one. There are not many walkers. I would venture to guess there are no children who cannot afford or do not own adequate cold weather protection. Get on the bus. Go in the building. Learn. Stay inside for recess, make up for Wednesday's LEGITIMATE snow day.
You wouldn't believe how nearly this entire city is shut down for Thursday. We act like we are incapable of functioning because what? it's COLD outside? Geez Louise. Something tells me Chuck E Cheese's will be open Thursday. Something else tells me it will be a packed madhouse. If we are capable of getting out to the movies or Chuck E Cheese's, WHY are we not capable of having school????
Maybe I am just mad because my style is being cramped a bit. I still have errands to run. My CVS Extracare bucks expire tomorrow.
Dental Care During Pregnancy
2 hours ago
That's funny to me. Last year (here in NE TEXAS) the kids got released early because snow was falling from the sky. They let the kids out when there was maybe 1/2 inch of snow on the grass, not roads. At 3:30 when they should have gotten out, no snow anywhere to be seen. But hey, they got counted as being there!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I don't comment much but I read your blog everytime you post. I also think of and pray for your family EVERY single day.
Uh... not looking forward to driving up to IL next week. I hope we make it. I've gotten too used to these 65 degree days (like today) in winter. Yeah, it's hot in the summer, but it's pretty nice in the winter!
ReplyDeleteI got up early this morning to check to see if school would be closed due to our minus 11 wind chill. I thought it couldn't possibly be but I better check just in case. And it's not but there are a ton that are. When my kids find that out they will be P.O.d. Sorry you will have to referree today. Again. Send your boys outside for an hour. Icicles can't fight.
ReplyDeleteI laughed outloud because there is literally two inches of snow outside my window and they are shutting school left and right..bhahaha..
ReplyDeleteA lot of schools are closed in Ohio for the same reason...cold temperatures.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Gotta love CVS Extracare bucks!
Our schools are closed for the second day due to freezing rain and as i was driving him into my office to play while I work today, my 30year-old son asked why school was closed. i told him they don;t want people driving. he waited a beat then said "but we're driving right now..." smart kid
ReplyDeleteGo spend those bucks. Come hell or frozen water.
ReplyDeleteSend those crazy school board members (or whoever decides school is cancelled) up to Edmonton and we will show them what could is! Actually, we are expecting a record breaking heat wave this weekend (5 degrees!). We will probably put on our bathing suits and go outside to catch a tan. :o)
ReplyDeleteI remember when we lived in Nashville, the schools would be closed sometimes due to excessive rain. Seriously people.....
I actually thought of you this morning when I saw that school was cancelled! I thought, "I bet Angie is just shaking her head at this after living in Canada!" I grew up in Michigan, but when we lived in Raleigh, NC we got used to the nice weather QUICKLY! One day it was 28 degrees, and for a split second I thought, "This is CRAZY! I can't take the baby out in 28 degrees! He'll freeze!!" Then, I remembered I'm a Michigan girl. We went to the prom in strapless dresses in 28 degree weather! :-) Jorie are too funny! My sister lives in Aurora, Illinois and insists on throwing the kids out in the yard for some "air" just about every day...of course, she has 7 children, so it could just be to preserve her own sanity!
ReplyDeleteYou don't know me, but I worked with Brian while he was in Canada and again when he returned to Global Mining. Grant and Gavin was in my small group at Northwoods Church yesterday and if I had know they were Brian's children I would have hugged them just a little more. Michele told us after class of Brian's fate. I just wanted you to hear the comment that Gavin shared with me. We were hearing the story of Moses and the power that his staff had, and Gavin said that his Daddy had a cain and he wished that it had power to keep him alive, that just about tore out my heart as it would any human. I just want you to know that all of us will keep your family in our prayers and if their is anything that we can do please let me know. If you need food or a day that you need someone to help with the boys please contact me at we have several people that would like to help as we also know your father-in-law Ed who we worked with for many years. I've read your blog for a couple of years and your such a brave person and have much to be proud of on how you have handled a situation that no one should have to face in such a young life. I have great admiration for you and Brian. We know that you have lots of family and friends, but we are here waiting to help you, just give us the word...
God Bless all of you,
Sharon Gilbert
Caterpillar NACD